ILLIES JAPAN (K.K. IRISU, C. ILLIES & Co.) participating at the Automotive World 2025 in Tokyo!
ILLIES JAPAN (K.K. IRISU, C. ILLIES & Co.) is again showing the latest trends in automobile design during the Automotive World, which will be held from January 22 to 24, 2025 at Tokyo Big Sight. Various trends are changing the way automobiles are designed and built, from lightweight materials, new production methods, drive trains and so on. Our technology helps to reduce the weight of cars and thus fuel consumption as well as CO2 emissions and makes them safer on top.
The displayed parts and production methods will show the latest trends from double door rings to gigacast parts and we explain in particular how to cut blanks out of coils by laser, automatically weld blanks up to double door rings, trim edges, heat up the blanks or door rings for the press hardening step, including the required presses, inspect gigacast parts, individual battery cells up to complete battery packs, how to connect different body parts, produce drive shafts and rotors for electric motors, measure magnetism of hard and soft magnetic materials, teach robots and much more.
In detail we are showing laser blanking, tailor welded blanks, door rings & double door rings, robotic laser cutting & trimming, press hardening, press solutions, x-ray CT for gigacast and battery inspection (*), flowdrilling screws, blind rivet nuts, rotary swaging and axial forming, magnetic measurement, fine blanking, measurement and calibration equipment for industrial robots as well as acoustic and vibration sensor solutions. Together with our partners we are delighted to welcome you at our booth, meet our team and learn about our latest references!
Please see us at the Automotive World, Hall East 4, E37-8 at Tokyo Big Sight
* It is not only automobiles - we are currently delivering a x-ray machine to detect cavities in turbine blades, enabling you to arrive safe after your next flight.